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I asked some of you what you found to be really beneficial since moving your work from the office to the home. This is what you said...

Home Desk

"Sit in a brightly lit space near a window and make sure you get up and take regular breaks outside or in your garden if you have one. It helps me refresh my thoughts and provides clarity."

Catherine, Property Development Manager, Whickam

Image by Gervyn Louis

"Have a good morning routine and stick to it. Get up then wake up your body with some exercise - then hit your to-do list!"

Angela, Business Analyst, New Zealand

Image by Thought Catalog

"Make time for proper breaks and lunch away from your desk. You don't get the normal interruptions of chat and going to the office kitchen, so it's easy to not have a decent break away from the screen."

Ellie, Resource Manager, Ponteland

Image by Minh Pham

"I love having a space that's dedicated to work and away from my social space at home. Making this space nice and calming has helped. I initially started working in the spare room and found myself hot desking around the house and found no separation between work and home life. I changed the spare room into an office space which has helped as I like the office set up - with my plant, my candles and inspirational quotes on the wall. I now don't take work out of that room."

Andi, Training Manager, Durham

Image by Icons8 Team

"Try and stick to your working hours. Have strict boudaries as to when you look at your emails and phone before or after hours. It's so easy to continue working all hours."

Lou, Operations Manager, Whitley Bay

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